Saturday, August 14, 2004

We made it!!

We made it.....!!!!
Jake and I went to Westhaven and picked up Dad and took him out for over two hours this am, from 9am to 11:15am.
We had a blast! Dad was happy and loved seeing the land, his dog and cattle. He fed his dog Spot a couple of bones, saw Mom a bit, and rode out into his pasture and was amongst the cattle for a bit.
He seemed to take the trip in stride and was a bit choked up during his trip back, mentioning that the problem with the ride was the returning to Westhaven.
But overall, he seems happy there and talked a lot about the folks who work there and how nice they are and what all they do for him, etc. He was ready to get back, as he needed to take care of business ... eating and going to bathroom. And unlike a dad of a few short weeks ago, he was hungry and ready to eat!!
The ladies there helped us get Dad into Marilyn's buggy and out upon returning, and think the trip was good for him as well. He is hoping to walk some this afternoon if the help arrives to help him.
He still has a stiff neck and seems to be a bit stiff all over, probably from being in bed so long. I can not believe he can even remember how to walk!!
Besides going by his home and land we made it to Marilyn's, and our home, and then by Phil and Tammy's and then over by Heather and Paul's to see their Boer Goats, that were all laying around the remains of a big bale of hay.
It was such a cool and nice day out, and at one point Dad even remarked how wonder the air smelled!!!
All for now, will try to keep all posted as time goes on.
By the way, at this writing we have not heard yet from Ann's brother Ward Shaklee, who with wife Melanie live in Melborne, Florida, nor have we heard from our Niece Cortney who lives in Orlando, or Cortney's mom who lives in Tampa, Florida. We hope and pray all are safe and doing ok, and trust if they are not, they will let us know what they need to help them...

Friday, August 13, 2004

We are keeping our fingers crossed .....

Jake, Ann and I hope to take Dad on his first trip to the "farm" in almost 4 months! We hope to pick him up and drive him around Saturday morning, if all holds together. He has been excited about it for days. It has been raining a bit lately this summer and on the sunny days I have been able to put up hay for the cattle. Rainy days are "repair" days. I have been able to "spruce" up things a bit so we hope he likes what he sees. We know he wants to pet his dog, Spot. And see his cattle. He has really been doing very well, and is really progressing fast. He keeps saying.."I want to go home. By working hard, I think I can". He can walk with his own walker instead of the center's big walker now, and just goes right along. He is gaining his balance and is able to set up unassisted some. Long way from flat on his back and not saying a word. Now he talks our leg off if given a chance!! And he leads the conversation. He is so grateful to have some great therapists, especially Joseph and Melody. Especially Melody. She keeps him in the right positive attitude, and is working with him so he can stand up from a sitting position again, so he can go and visit folks... She tells him to NOT use the "lift" chair, and to learn to do it without assistance, and then shows him how!!
And he enjoys the food, still cleaning up his plate. Will report more as it happens ... With a report on tomorrow's outing after noon tomorrow. Will try to get some pictures of him too...
later.. Stan

Thursday, August 12, 2004

By the way.... Welcome to the Moffat Family Site...

Please feel free to let us know how your family is doing too. We would love to hear how Uncle Ivan and Aunt Freda are doing, and how Uncle John is doing and has Doris and Jim recovered from the big family gathering last Sunday? How are the Siegrist doing... How are the Liebscher's doing? How about the Shaklee's?
As I get your email's I will fix them on the links list on the side of this page for all to have.
Enjoy.. and leave your comments on this site please.. you can update us on family on the comments link at the bottom of the post too...
And if you have family pics, please email them to me and I will put them on line on this site. If they are not on computer and you do not mind giving up a photo, please send what you wish along and I will scan them and add them to this site too. This is for all family to use.. please feel free to use it and offer ideas to improve as needed.
Thanks and again, hope you enjoy!

Dad improving fast!

Jake and Grandpa Moffat at Paul's Birthday Party. His first trip out in months!Seems like the best thing to happen to Oscar was his being moved from Edmond to Stillwater. The folks at Westhaven work with him every day and several times a day. Great bunch of folks, and Dad is eating his meals almost 100% each time.
.............and TODAY... this am, he walked with his old walker, his going home walker, almost 4 city blocks by himself... He truly wants to go home and is really working hard to do that and we are all so proud of him. It was on April 27th when he went into the hospital, and hopefully he will be home on the 27th of August. He is missed by us all. Mom has really been a trouper too through this time, being there with dad almost every day. Marilyn has done the same, working and then working again... Jake has taken Mom some and has been to see Grandpa about every other day or so. He really responds to Jake well, and they seem to have a neat bond. The rest of the family makes it as their time allows, including me! I have tried to do the farming but according to Mom, they have done it without me cheaper, and better, so not sure that I will continue to do it. Might get fired!! Just have to see...
But the real news today.. Dad walked with his old walker by himself.. and did AWESOME!!!
More later...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

To leave a comment on things...

please send me your email address and the user name you want to use and then you can leave comments on things that are put here on this site.. thanks.. stan.. this is open to ALL family members and we totally control it. No popups.. no Spam.. etc.

New blogger for Moffat Family news....

Awaiting Kaitlyn Brooke Moffat
Will try to add family links to photos of family... and to some old pictures as i get them to put online. Also will update all on family health.. and growth.. haha, right Jon and Randi? Just thought it might be nice to have this to share things with everyone. Let me know your thoughts, ok?
Later all...